about me
Born in 1984 in a small bavarian city close to munich and raised by bosnian parents. Growing up in a restaurant my first languge
was bavarian.
My motherlanguage I still don‘t know how to say correctly -- bosnian/serbian/croation, anyway I prefer yugoslavian,
because that was the country my parents came from. Later I learned english in school, and tried to get better at it during the time I
was living in NYC. But my boss was annoyed by it and only had one comment for me: „typical german“. So, what to say, no but yes.
In school there also was some french -- sadly not much left of it today.
At 18 I moved to munich and studied marketing while working as a Trainee in an advertising agency.
In 2007 I left for New York to work with Designer Jean Yu, who is known for her architectural approach and seamless technique.
Only 2 months later I started working as first assistant to stylist Alex Slavycz.
Back in Munich in June 2008, thinking I would soon be leaving for New York again and only be getting things for me my visa,
I decided to stay and signed with my first agency.
Since then I have been doing a lot of styling jobs in commercial and advertising and some fashion projects.
In 2016 I became a mother to my wonderful son.
In 2020 I started doing fashion stories, which had been my passion all along.
What else?
I am a creative mind and still a virgo.
If you want to know more, please say hi: buero@mirjanahecht.com